Terms and conditions
In this space, the consumer will be able to find all the important information related to the terms and legal conditions. For all consumers it is important to know these terms before continuing to make your purchases. Inmaculada Concepción Mazón of the Towers Retamal. Both parties including the product distributor and consumer need to be aware of the commitment to process the information of our users and clients with full guarantees and fulfil with the national requirements and Europeans that regulate the compilation and use of the personal data of our users. This website therefore, fulfils rigorously with the RGPD (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 of data protection) and the LSSI-CE the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of services of the society of the information and of electronic trade.
The present General Conditions regulate the use (including access) of the pages of the website. Members of the website quekuco.com included the contents and services put to disposal in them. everyone that accesses to the site, quekuco.com (“User”) accepts to subject to the valid General Conditions in each moment of the portal quekuco.com.
Read Privacy policy
The User remains informed, and accepts, that the access to the present web does not suppose, in way any, the start of a commercial relation with quekuco.com. Of this form, the user engages to use the website, his services and contents without contravening the valid legislation, the good faith and the public order.
It remains forbidden the use of the web, with illicit ends or harmful, or that, anyway, can cause damage or prevent the normal operation of the website. Concerning the contents of this web, forbids :His reproduction, distribution or modification, total or partial, unless it have the permission of his legitimate headlines;Any vulnerability of the rights of the lender or of the legitimate headlines; His utilisation for commercial or advertising ends.
In the utilisation of the web, quekuco.com, the User engages to not carrying out any behaviour that could damage the image, the interests and the rights of quekuco.com or of third or that it could damage,disable or overload the portal (indicate command) or that prevented, anyway, the normal utilisation of the web. Nevertheless, the User has to be conscious that the measures of security of the computer systems in Internet are not entirely reliable and that, therefore quekuco.com can not guarantee the nonexistence of virus or other elements that can produce alterations in the computer systems (software and hardware) of the User or in his electronic documents and files contained in the same.
The personal data communiqués by the user to quekuco.com can be stored in databases automated or no, whose ownership corresponds in scoop to quekuco.com, assuming this all the measures of the nature of the technical, organisational and of security that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information contained in the same in accordance with the established in the valid rule in data protection.
The communication between the users and quekuco.com uses a safe channel, and the data transmitted are enciphered thanks to protocols to https, therefore, guarantee the best conditions of security so that the confidentiality of the users was guaranteed.
quekuco.com It informs that they exist leaves of claim to disposal of users and clients. The User will be able to realise claims requesting his leaf of claim or remitting an email to info@quekuco.com indicating his name and surnames, the service and/or product purchased and exposing the reasons of his claim.
The user/buyer will be able to notify us the claim, well through email to: info@quekuco.com, if it wishes it attaching the following form of claim: The service/product: Purchased the day: Name of the user: Domicile of the user: Signature of the user (only if it presents in paper): Date: Reason of the claim:
In case it can be of your interest, to subject your claims can use also the platform of resolution of litigation that facilitates the European Commission and that finds available in the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
In virtue of the had in the articles 8 and 32.1, paragraph second, of the Law of Copyright, remain on purpose forbidden the reproduction, the distribution and the public communication, included his modality of put to disposal, of the whole or part of the contents of this page web, with commercial ends, in any support and by any half technician, without the permission of quekuco.com. The user engages to respect the intellectual property rights and Industrial ownership of quekuco.com.
The user knows and accepts that the whole of the website, containing without exhaustive character the text, software, contents (including structure, selection, ordination and presentation of the same) podcast, photographies, audiovisual material and charts, is protected by marks, rights of author and other legitimate rights, in accordance with the international treaties in which Spain is part and other rights of property and laws of Spain. In the case that an user or a third consider that it has produced a rape of his legitimate intellectual property rights by the introduction of a determinate content in the web, will have to notify said circumstance to quekuco.com indicating:
Personal data of the interested title of the rights supposedly infringed, or indicate the representation with which acts in case that the claim the present a third distinct of the interested.
Signal the contents protected by the intellectual property rights and his location in the web, the accreditation of the distinguished intellectual property rights and statement expresses in which the interested holds responsible of all the information facilitated.
The pages of the web quekuco.com, could provide links to other own websites and contents that are property of third. The only object of the links is to provide to the User the possibility to access to said links. quekuco.com It does not hold responsible in no case of the results that can derive to the User by access to said links.
Likewise, the user will find inside this place, pages, promotions, programs of affiliated that access to the habits of navigation of the users to establish profiles. This information always is anonymous and does not identify to the user.
The Information that provide in these Places sponsored or links of affiliated is subject to the privacy policies that use in said Places and will not be subject to this privacy policy. By what recommend widely to the Users to review in detail the privacy policies of the links of affiliated.
The User that propose establish any technical device of link from his website to the portal quekuco.com will have to obtain the previous permission and written of quekuco.com The establishment of the link does not involve in no case the existence of relations between quekuco.com and the owner of the place in which it establish the link, neither the acceptance or approval by part of quekuco.com of his contents or services
In our web and allow realise comments to enrich the contents and realise queries. They will not admit comments that are not related with the thematic of this web, that include slander, grievances, insults, personal attacks or lacks of respect in general to the author or to other members. Also they will be suppressed the comments that contain information that was obviously deceptive or false, as well as the comments that contain personal information, as, for example, private domiciles or telephones and that violate our policies of data protection.
We will dismiss those comments created only with promotional ends of a web, person or community and all what can be considered spam in general.
They do not allow anonymous comments, as well as those realised by a same person with distinct nicknames. They will not consider neither those comments that try to force a debate or a taking of posture by another user.
The Lender does not award any guarantee neither does responsible, in no case, of the damages and damages of any nature that could bring cause of:
The fault of availability, maintenance and effective operation of the web, or of his services and contents;
The existence of virus, wanton programs or harmful in the contents;
The illicit use, negligent, fraudulent or contrary to this Legal notice;
The fault of legality, quality, reliability, utility and availability of the services loaned by third and places to disposal of the users in the website.
The lender does not manage the account for any damages that could disrupt the legal activities of the website.
With general character the relations between quekuco.com with the Users of his telematic services, presents in this web find subjected to the legislation and Spanish jurisdiction and to the courts.
In case that any User had some doubt about these legal Conditions or any comment on the portal quekuco.com, please head to info@quekuco.com
Of part of the team that form Inmaculada Concepción Mazón of the Towers Retamal appreciate you the time devoted in reading this Legal notice